WOW Classic Gold ast year Blizzard Entertainment launched the World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth expansion for the popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). While it wasn’t as great as past expansion launches the steady stream of updates has made it a lot better. On September 24 another one is going to hit PC.
The Worgen and Goblin see character model improvements including their faces and even their animations.Additionally you’ll be able to gain the favor of the Hivemother in order to gain the Honeyback Harvester mount.
Finally Party Sync is coming allowing everyone in a party becomes aligned to the same quest state and phase.

According to the developer the next World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth content update provides new character models for the worgen and goblins the introduction of Party Sync the “epic” conclusion to the War Campaign Vanilla WOW Gold and much more. You can read about some of the main features below.
There’s a new giant bee mount called the Honeyback Harvester.
There are new Memories of Azeroth raids.
Level restrictions have been eased so that gamers can play together.
New items have been added to the Black Market Auction House.
The interface has been updated in a number of ways.
For the complete patch notes you can head over here. There are a lot of little tweaks that you should be aware of if you’re a diehard World of Warcraft player. provide best guide for WOW Classic Gold in the world. If you want to enhance your gameplay and squad rating just follow us.