you most likely remember the coaching adjustments menu, If you have ever played any of the NCAA Football series. Not everything about it is the exact same, but the basic concept of it is very similar, that feature is now being moved over to Madden. It is fairly straight forward in nature, but does open up the discussion for a few things. You will be able to make certain adjustments on the fly that decide how your team will play a particular event.

For example, on NCAA you were unable to use anything but conservative running style because if your opponent had their strips set to aggressive you would fumble constantly (multiple times per drive) using any other setting. The first and most important discussion to have regarding coaching adjustments is whether or not you will be able to use them all situationally or just be pigeon holed into using the same setup all game long like many players were on the NCAA series. There were also settings that were a total benefit on NCAA as well such as setting your zones to aggressive, there was also a thing where if you had your defensive pass rush set to aggressive the opponent could just sit there fake hiking until you were drawn offsides, even with this setting you would not give up anything extra over the top and it would make your defenders jump anything short like they were psychic.
This year keeping the ball with the Quarterback when they played the Runningback was mostly pointless. Another thing that the coaching adjustments raises this year is whether or not the read option will return to being relevant. Now you will be able to choose the way you play the option in a much more straightforward and simple fashion. Rarely would the Quarterback actually make it anywhere before another defender reacted or blockshed making the play a total bust. There doesn’t seem to be a logical need for this feature unless read option is once again a useful concept.
Madden had a feature called “man assignments” back in Madden 12. Then the final thing coaching adjustments makes us question is the Cornerback Matchups, and the feature was filled with problems and glitches that would destroy the offenses ability to read coverage, and on the offensive side could create monumental man switch glitches in the defense’s coverage. this feature is one that has been needed for a very long time, Provided nothing like that happens. history has a really funny way of repeating itself, that being said, Lets just hope it doesn’t do that with coaching adjustments.
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