NBA Live Mobile games is a basketball game based on real NBA themes. it was researched and developed by the world’s leading company EA. in the game, Players will be able to manipulate any player in their own team, The competition between the team is no longer a numerical comparison, but by restraining and operating components to determine the outcome of the game. Of course, the game has already acquired the NBA 30 team’s copyright, so players can pick their favorite star to build the team, Which can be described as quite happy thing for many basketball fans. and the player’s performance in the game decide whether their value will be updated or not, So the simulation value will be more realistic as well. it has created a huge community because of its unique features. now, gamers are looking forward to seeing what shall happen in Rookie Season.

The game starts out with a tutorial that goes over the basics of playing fairly effectively. The controls include an on-screen virtual stick for movement and three “buttons” that have different functions when on offense and defense. There are no optional control schemes. The only thing that can be changed is reversing which side has the stick and which the buttons.
NBA Live Mobile features three primary modes of play. The first is a “Season” which consists of 14 games against A.I.-controlled teams. Win enough of them and make the three-game “Playoffs” and getting through those leads to the one-game Finals. Taking home the championship will bring lots of rewards with it, and then the season starts over against marginally better competition.
There are also Live Events. These are more along the lines of mini-games or brief stretches of gameplay that have an objective to achieve. The completion of them earns more coins and/or rewards in the form of cards, trophies, and collectibles. New Live Events are added daily.
Then there are Head-to-Head games. These are turn-based, with the user that initiates the game playing the first and third quarters against the other team’s AI controlled players, and the other playing the second and fourth quarters. There are “fans” earned through the games which contribute to leaderboard progression, and advancement on the leaderboards is rewarded with special item packs.
The method of playing “head-to-head” makes some sense but in practice really doesn’t work out. I’ve yet to have a single game go beyond my playing of the first quarter. Either the opponents I’ve challenged simply have no interest in playing the games or they are seeing a score that I’ve built up from the first quarter and deciding against continuing.

The economy in NBA Live Mobile is made up of Coins and NBA Cash. The coins are earned through playing the game and selling items. They are used to buy card packs and obtain players from auction. The cash is what is purchased with real money and can only be spent on card packs.
The concern, as always, with the Ultimate Team model is that real money has to be purchased to keep up and compete with others, that it becomes a grind if not spending money which results in the degradation of the fun factor. That hasn’t been the case with NBA Live Mobile. I was able to build up a pretty good team without spending money. That hasn’t included the top rated players in the game but over time they seem achievable as well. It’ll just take a lot longer to complete sets to get them or build up enough in coins to grab individuals at auction.