fifa 15 coins account is a very open game and there are a vareity of ways for players to make their shots special, whether they are delivered from long range or involved solid use of the skills of each player.“EA just basically re-confirmed any doubts that we may have had about their incompetence,” wrote one Fifa fan on the game’s official forum. “I don’t see how this will help so late into the season.” Another added: “EA might have [intended] to curb the rampant inflation and bring some unattainable cards back into the market, but all they’ve done is make it worse. Earlier, only the £15m+ players were out of the market… now even the mid-ranged players (like Suarez and Robben) have become extinct, as they are auto-bought [at] the max range price. The only ones on the market for more than a minute are the ones still extremely heavily priced, but put up before the price cap.”Now he’s suddenly much more affordable, ranging between 17-25,000 coins. That great news for new purchasers, but less wonderful for Palace fans who may have purchased the card last week when it was going for around 86,000 coins.
However, many within the millions-strong Fifa community believe EA’s prime motivation for the change is in its third explanation: “to further restrict illegitimate coin transfers on the transfer market”. Many players sell in-game currency via auction sites like eBay, breaking EA’s rules. However, the move effectively eliminates the tense, but legitimate, “player-flipping” gameplay many enjoyed. Now, the only means of improving a team is either to plough hours into playing matches, or invest real money in buy fifa 16 coins Points, which can then be turned into currency within the game.For many, the eBay-style open-auction transfer market that underpinned the mode’s gameplay – which involves building a “deck” of player trading cards into a fantasy team – was one of its biggest pulls. Bagging an in-form player at a bargain price, usually by purchasing their card at 2am when fewer participants are online, led to moments of punch-the-air euphoria.
With some Harry-Redknapp-style wheeler and dealing the purchase could be immediately flipped back onto the market with a higher starting price – a much faster way of acquiring in-game currency than actually playing matches. And the faster you made coins, the quicker the world’s best players could be secured for your fantasy line-up.Most gamers who are still playing BUY FUT 16 COINS are focused on the delivery of the new Team of the Week content for the football sim on Wednesdays but over the weekend the developers at EA Sports are offering the community another special moment when they deliver the Goals of the Week video.The footage features some of the best action shots that the fan community has managed to create over the past seven days.EA Sports is at the moment working on the next title in the series, which will probably be offered on the PC, the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One at some point in September.
Not only that, but other users are reporting success in working the transfer market as if nothing had changed – fifa coins forumite “CandyRat” gives an example of purchasing a classic Dennis Bergkamp card on Xbox One for 4,852,000 coins, then immediately flipping and selling him for a BIN price of 5,499,000 a mere six minutes later. The general rule with gaming communities is, if there’s a way to scam the system, they’ll find it.It’s nonetheless fair to wonder whether EA has gone too far in the opposite direction. Would retaining the auction system with an upper, but not lower, limit for each card not have achieved an identical result? The upside lost on critics of this move is that many cards have come down in price since the switch was made, exactly as promised. For instance, any Crystal Palace fans biding their time to purchase an in-form Yannick Bolasie card may have been unable to stretch to the 90-100,000 coins he’s been selling for over the last month or so.