The Russia 2018 LOC Volunteer Programme presents thousands of people from Russia and other countries with the unique opportunity to be part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM and the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017. buy fifa points There are several stages in the programme, including setting up volunteer centres in all 11 of the Russia 2018 host cities, recruiting, selecting and training volunteers and organising their work.
No FIFA World Cup™ or any other major sporting event would be the same without the tremendous contribution of its volunteers, who provide key support to a wide range of operational areas while also creating the fantastic atmosphere during the tournament through their friendliness and joy. The blueprint for the Russia 2018 LOC’s official volunteer programme will be launched in June 2015. The blueprint is the main document that will set out the programme’s aims, areas of activity and the mandatory requirements for volunteers, including minimum age, knowledge of foreign languages and other criteria.
The document will set out the general approach to the way in which volunteers are to be organized and trained in all of the World Cup host cities as well as the details and extent of services that will be made available to volunteers. The application is open to everyone, but a priority will be given to Russian-speaking persons and residents in St. Petersburg. Candidates should be aged 18 and over, speak English and possess effective teamwork skills. Previous volunteering experience will be an additional advantage.

To take part in the selection process, you must be aged 18 or over (as at 1 July 2015). It is very important that you should be able to work eight hours a day during the planning and staging of the event, and also that you speak English, preferably to intermediate level (the level of English required depends on the functions the volunteer will be performing). All volunteers selected for the Preliminary Draw will be supplied with clothing and equipment, and will also be provided with food while they are on shift. Please note that the LOC cannot provide free accommodation for volunteers, so for the most part we will be relying on candidates who are permanently resident in Saint Petersburg.
Please do not be disappointed if you were unable to register as a candidate to volunteer at the first official event of Russia 2018. fifa 16 coins The main application period for volunteers who would like to help with the planning and staging of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 and the 2018 FIFA World Cup will start in 2016. The start date will be announced on the website. The 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Volunteer Programme presents thousands of people from Russia and other countries with the unique opportunity to be part of the biggest single sporting event in the world and the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017.
There are several stages of the programme, including recruiting, selecting and training the volunteers in all 11 Host Cities, and finally organising their work during the event and appreciating their effort and dedication. In total, there will be around 5,500 volunteers involved in the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 and 15,000 in the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Dedicated centres located at leading Russian educational institutions will be responsible for recruiting and selecting applicants living in Russia. International candidates will apply and go through the selection process from their respective home countries with online support.